Pupil Successes

Cross and Passion College students celebrated outstanding ‘A’-Level and GCSE outcomes this week, as they picked up their results at the school.  The long record of academic excellence at the College was continued, with both cohorts of pupils performing very strongly.

For the first time in a number of years, the top individual pupils were boys; Eoin Crawford achieving 3 A* grades at ‘A’-Level and Tiernan Heggarty achieving 10 A* grades at GCSE.  As Tiernan prepares to begin his ‘A’-Level studies, Eoin is looking forward to beginning a Masters degree in Aeronautical Engineering at Queen’s University, Belfast.

Principal of the College, Mr Paul McClean, paid tribute to the very hard work of pupils and staff in ensuring the young people reached their full potential in the qualifications.

“We, as a staff body, are delighted and proud of these very talented cohorts of young people.  When they joined the school, we had very high expectations of what we felt they could achieve, socially, individually and academically, and they have proven over the last seven years that they also embraced that desire to reach their potential.

We have all faced challenges in the last 18 months, however our young people were some of those hardest hit by the periods of lockdown, having to draw on their resilience, motivation and perseverance.  I am fully aware of how challenging this was for some of our students at times and I want to thank them, and their families, for their support for each other and for our school, as we worked together to keep provision going.

Our staff have had to adapt significantly, showing flexibility and creativity in ensuring that young people still had support in their learning, in order to reach their full potential. I want to thank them for their very hard work, throughout the seven years our leaving pupils have been here.

ETI have recognised that our educational provision is of the highest quality, with pupil outcomes exceeding the average for grammar schools and non-grammar alike. 

The atmosphere of ambition and collegiality is very strong in the school and by working together, and ensuring our parents are an integral part of the educational journey, we can focus on each child having the opportunity to achieve their personal best.

Our main goal is to ensure that wherever our young people go, they leave Cross and Passion College with a caring, committed, values-driven attitude to life.  The excellent outcomes in their qualifications are a wonderful by-product of the successes that are built on those foundations.

On behalf of the College Governors, the staff and the whole school community, I wish our leaving students the very best of luck and remind them that we hope to see them all again soon.”