Update - 24/03/20

Dear all

As we face these unprecedented challenges together, the school building will be closing and our staff will be working from home for the next period of time.

Remote learning has been developing and should be available to all children who are able to engage with it.  We strongly encourage young people to bring structure to their days, by getting up, dressed, eating breakfast and completing a few hours of school work.

Other activities, such as playing games, spending quality time with family, cooking, exercising, learning a new skill, communicating with each other by mobile or online games, will be just as important.

As more information comes from exam boards, we will share it with pupils and staff to ensure we are abreast of relevant updates.

The school social media channels will not be monitored, whilst the school is closed, and all communication with school should be directed by email to info@crossandpassion.ballycastle.ni.sch.uk

Your email will be directed to the relevant member of staff.  Pupils may also wish to communicate with teachers by school email or through MS Teams.

Ongoing school updates will be posted on our school website and by parent text message.

Thank you to all our school community for your enduring dedication and support, all year round, but particularly as we work together to ensure we support our pupils, families and staff during this challenging time. 

We wish each and every one of you the very best, over the next few weeks and months, and look forward to being back together, in school, in the near future.

Cross and Passion College Staff