Update for Parents- 17/03/20

Dear Parent/Carer

The current, unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in present us with challenges that we continue to strive to respond to in a co-ordinated, effective manner. As Principal of Cross and Passion College, my core responsibility is for the safety and well-being of all members of our school community.

Throughout this period, we have carefully, and fully, followed the directives and advice from both the Department of Education and the Public Health Agency. Following this guidance, I wish to re-state that we are not in a position to close the school, until we are instructed to do so. However, I acknowledge and understand the rising numbers of pupils and staff who are following instructions to isolate themselves for health reasons and the impact this has on their families, our school and their wider lives.

With this in mind, and after consulting with the Chair of our Board of Governors, the decision has been taken to move forward remaining INSET days, as well as one holiday, to Wednesday 18th March – Friday 20th March. The purpose of this is to afford teachers the time to prepare and disseminate materials that can be accessed remotely, in the increasingly likely event of a prolonged school closure.

These will be staff only days and pupils should not attend school on these dates.

I have previously mentioned that staff are taking a co-ordinated and pro-active approach to supporting pupil learning, in school and at home, and these staff days will allow this process to be accelerated.

I acknowledge, and apologise, for the short notice of this announcement, however you will understand the challenges that go with decisions of this nature and the very dynamic pressures that we are all faced with. I do not under-estimate the complications this will cause for families, in respect of arrangements for their children, but my decision is based on both planning, as well as the health and safety of pupils and staff.

The situation we all face is a fluid one and I ask you to continue to monitor the updates on our social media channels, website and parent text service. We thank you for your patience and support in these challenging times, as we make difficult decisions.

I wish all our school community well and ask you to continue to be vigilant in looking after your own health and for the well-being of those around you.

Best wishes

Paul McClean


Cross and Passion College