Pupil Outcomes

The nurturing and support of each child, to allow them to reach their potential, is at the heart of our mission in Cross and Passion College and we make no apologies for having the highest of expectations in terms of academic achievement.

In order to allow children to fully make their way in an increasingly competitive world, we must ensure that we give pupils the best opportunity to leave school with the highest grades they are capable of achieving.

significantly above the respective NI average for similar non-selective schools and above the average for grammar schools” (Education and Training Inspectorate June 2018)

We do this with high quality teaching and learning, strong support for those learners who need additional help with their learning and by offering a wide-ranging curriculum which matches the varied interests and aspirations of our pupils.

Since 2016, Cross and Passion Pupils have gone on to study in Oxford and Cambridge; follow courses in Medicine and Law in both local universities and those that lie further afield; Veterinary Studies; Actuarial Science and many more courses which lead to professional careers.

We are equally proud of our students who have furthered their studies in local colleges, work-based apprenticeships and those who began employment and support our community in their work.

The varied pathways that our young people leave to follow are a reflection of the huge success of our all-ability provision.


Graph shows the pupil outcomes of Cross and Passion College students (‘A’-Level or equivalent) compared with outcomes from both grammar and non-grammar schools in NI


Graph shows the pupil outcomes of Cross and Passion College students (GCSE) compared with outcomes from both grammar and non-grammar schools in NI
